This week's update is coming from our hotel room in sunny Los Angeles! Because of the slow internet connection and our busy shooting schedule, it's going to be a short entry.
As a little wrap-up -- our interview with Dr. Bart Beaty went smashingly. We talked with Bart for three hours about all things Wertham.
Tomorrow we are excited to be shooting at Meltdown Comics on Sunset Blvd!
Next, we have our first submission for the Diagram for Delinquents fan art propmotional card contest. This week's submission comes from Francesco Gambino. Take a look at his promo card:

I'm excited that we have our first entry and I look forward to more in the future. Remember, there will be prizes awarded to the top entries!
Now.... On to the big announcement film supporters, backers, and readers...
We have scheduled an interview on August 23rd with none other than the legendary Al Feldstein!
Need I say more? With Mr. Feldstein we are going to get the insider, front-line perspective that is so essential.
From Mr. Feldstein's website:
"Al Feldstein is a Montana Artist, residing on a 270 acre ranch south of Livingston and north of Yellowstone National Park, where he practices his Fine Art. His brilliant and detailed acrylic canvasses, which include Western Art, Landscape Art, Wildlife Art, Sci-Fi Art and Fantasy Art, give no clue to his nefarious past.
Born in New York City, Al Feldstein studied painting at the High School of Music and Art, and the Art Students League under a scholarship. After school and summers, he worked in a studio servicing the comic book industry. During World War ll, he was a Special Services artist. Upon his discharge, he returned to the comic book industry, packaging magazines for publishers.
At E.C. Comics, he created, wrote, illustrated and edited a popular line of titles which are now collectors' items. These included horror, such as Tales from the Crypt, science-fiction and suspense, among others. In 1955, he became editor of MAD Magazine, one of E.C.'s titles. He took the magazine's circulation from 375,000 to a high of almost 3 million by gathering a staff of talented artist and writers; supervising every phase of its operation, editing and re-writing every word; designing layouts and creating the format that led to MAD's success, including adopting and christening its trademark, the freckle-faced, grinning Alfred E. Neuman.
In 1984, Al retired from MAD, and returned to his first love, painting. He later moved to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and spent three years painting the Tetons and their wildlife, placing two paintings in the Top 100 Arts for the Parks.
In 1999, Al was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Arts degree by Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Montana, and again won a place in the Top 100 Arts for the Parks competition.

Al is represented by numerous galleries in the Northwest. He has participated in juried shows where he has received many awards"
So, in the immortal words of my childhood hero..." What, me worry?"